Thursday, July 14, 2016

Goal One: Figure Out the Plan

It's the Final Countdown 
Slowly, but surely my senior year of college is approaching. For the last three years I have been putting off the question that everyone asks, "What are you going to go after you graduate?" normally I just smile or laugh saying how I'm not worried, and that I'll figure it out. Newsflash, I am running out of time. See as a business marketing major, I just assumed going into it I would do something with marketing, but I was naive and didn't realize how broad that is. I have though figured out one of my strengths, which is social media. I am currently working at a non-profit in Chicago, and my biggest task so far is designing an app for them. It is very difficult but I really enjoy it and I like the ideas that companies are going to pay for advertisement. Now since I kind of have an idea of what I want to do, I have to figure out the next step.

Go to graduate school or get a job? I feel that many millennials are asking themselves the same question too. I have had my eye set on an e-commerce master's program at DePaul University, but I also check everyday for new job listings in the marketing world. I am really torn because honestly, I don't really want to go school anymore. College has been a huge struggle for me and I am really ready to get out there are start making some money. I know though that if I don't get my masters I will regret later in life. I know that I could always work and go to school, but that sounds more difficult then just spending the next two years and getting it done. It's a lot to think about and it makes me constantly worried. 

School hasn't even started and I am already worried. I wonder if other senior students are worried to? The best years of our lives are coming to a close and it makes me worried that I haven't experienced everything I wanted to. I also am constantly worried that I won't find a job, I think that it's the scariest part. What if I end up going home? Living at parents? Not finding a job a like? These questions constantly haunt me. Am I suppose to have my life together, because I definitely don't!!

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