Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kinda Successful

Slowly, But Surely Getting There

As I have said in my past blog post, I am losing weight! Well trying to work out. But I have lost two whole pounds since I last posted and I am pretty excited. It has been hard though, not just working out but eating right too. I have started this new diet where I eat a very low amount of carbs a day, I try to focus on meat, vegetables, and fruits. The hardest part is getting myself up every morning to work out. I have actually been doing YouTube zumba classes to work out, which I have posted below. I used zumba because it is an easier was to work out, since you think you are just dancing you don't realize the work out you are actually getting. Plus it's super fun!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Goal Three: Travel

Just Do It
My whole entire life all I have wanted to go is travel. I have planned it all out and everything, but just never did it. I also found some excuse or why I shouldn't go or why the time wasn't good enough, but this year I am not doing that. I have decided that I am going to travel all next summer. I want to go all over Europe and stay a month in the lovely land of Italy. Just sit back relax, eat pasta, and drink wine. Sounds great, right?

The thing I have learned with wanting to travel is there is so much you want to do, but so little time to do it all. That's why I have made a list of the most important things I would like to do. Number one, go to a pasta making class. I think it would be awesome to learn how to make delicious pasta from scratch. Number two, go to a fashion show in Milan. Italians have some of the greatest fashion the world has ever seen, so why not take part in it. Lastly, go to Rome and visit the Vatican. Rome has so much beautiful art and culture that I just have to see.

I feel that it is very important to travel, especially while I am young. I think that if I keep pushing it off I will never do it. Life is just going to get busier so why not take time off and just do it. Senior year is coming in hot and I know it will go by just as fast as the other three years. My college experience has been nothing but awesome but I do need to complete some things before I say goodbye to it all. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Goal Two: Girl Look at That Body

Yeah, I don't work out at all. Since living in Chicago all summer I have really let my health go. For starters, I really need to start working out. Get my muscles going and tone some areas, because I am not looking my best! My goal for this school year is to start living a more active lifestyle.
I have slowly been trying to get myself back into it, I have started by doing a cleanse. Every morning I have been drink a bottle of water mixed with honey and apple cider vinegar. It's really hard to get myself to drink it because the apple cider vinegar is so strong. I've learned to drink small amounts at a time and then chase it with regular water. It's been really difficult but I am getting there. I am also trying to drink a lot more water during the day not only to lose weight but for my skin too. Water has a lot of benefits that we all forget about at times.

Lastly, I need to push myself to actually start working out. I keep telling myself that I am going to do it but then when I get home, I get lazy. I have a treadmill at my house but I cannot seem to get my butt on it. I think that starting this school year I am going to make myself work out every morning. It would be a great way to start the day and then I won't be lazy about it later. The University offers a lot of great fitness classes for free, which I really want to try out. New school year new me, right?

Goal One: Figure Out the Plan

It's the Final Countdown 
Slowly, but surely my senior year of college is approaching. For the last three years I have been putting off the question that everyone asks, "What are you going to go after you graduate?" normally I just smile or laugh saying how I'm not worried, and that I'll figure it out. Newsflash, I am running out of time. See as a business marketing major, I just assumed going into it I would do something with marketing, but I was naive and didn't realize how broad that is. I have though figured out one of my strengths, which is social media. I am currently working at a non-profit in Chicago, and my biggest task so far is designing an app for them. It is very difficult but I really enjoy it and I like the ideas that companies are going to pay for advertisement. Now since I kind of have an idea of what I want to do, I have to figure out the next step.

Go to graduate school or get a job? I feel that many millennials are asking themselves the same question too. I have had my eye set on an e-commerce master's program at DePaul University, but I also check everyday for new job listings in the marketing world. I am really torn because honestly, I don't really want to go school anymore. College has been a huge struggle for me and I am really ready to get out there are start making some money. I know though that if I don't get my masters I will regret later in life. I know that I could always work and go to school, but that sounds more difficult then just spending the next two years and getting it done. It's a lot to think about and it makes me constantly worried. 

School hasn't even started and I am already worried. I wonder if other senior students are worried to? The best years of our lives are coming to a close and it makes me worried that I haven't experienced everything I wanted to. I also am constantly worried that I won't find a job, I think that it's the scariest part. What if I end up going home? Living at parents? Not finding a job a like? These questions constantly haunt me. Am I suppose to have my life together, because I definitely don't!!